What is a Technique?


A technique is a way of guiding and conducting a meeting. (e.g delegating roles, setting ground rules)

A technique in the context of managing meetings involves specific strategies or approaches that help facilitate the discussion and decision-making processes effectively. It's about applying structured methods to ensure the meeting is productive, inclusive, and aligned with its intended objectives. Techniques can vary widely depending on the meeting's goals, the organization's culture, or even the facilitator's style.

For instance, delegating roles ensures that every aspect of the meeting is handled by a person capable of managing that element effectively, thus freeing up the facilitator to focus on guiding the discussion. Setting ground rules, on the other hand, helps manage participants' expectations and behavior, ensuring everyone is on the same page and respects one another's viewpoints. These methods can significantly enhance the quality and outcome of meetings, turning them into more than just routine organizational tasks.

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