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What is a Facilitator?

A facilitator is someone that supports and makes it easier for a group of people to work toward a common goal. They do so, by creating an environment where participants can collaborate, communicate, and make decisions effectively.

You can think of a facilitator as an orchestra conductor - they lead the group and ensure everyone is in harmony. Without a facilitator, the group may struggle to make progress. But with a skilled facilitator, the group can stay on track and accomplish great things.

[.box-highlight]Fun fact: The word "facilitation" actually comes from the Latin root "facilis", meaning "easy" or "simple". So, facilitation literally means making something easier or simpler for others.[.box-highlight]

Role of Facilitators

A facilitator is wearing many hats. You have to be able to perform different tasks at the same time. Here are the key roles you need to fulfill:

Setting the agenda: A facilitator usually creates an agenda based on what the meeting or session seeks to achieve. This helps give the meeting a clear sense of direction, and keep it from wandering off course.

Guide the process: Guide participants through exercises, discussions, and decisions and keep everyone on track toward a shared goal

Encourage participation: Create a welcoming environment that encourages everyone to share their thoughts and ideas equally

Watch the time: Keep track of time during meetings and activities to ensure the agenda is followed and objectives are met

Manage group dynamics: Monitor and address any conflicts or issues that arise within the group

Facilitator vs other roles

When you hear the word "facilitator", you might be thinking of a good teacher or leader. While there are similarities, the role of a facilitator has some key differences that are worth exploring.

Facilitator vs. leader A facilitator is not a leader or manager – they don't make decisions for the group or impose their own agenda. Instead, they act as a guide to facilitate the conversation, help bridge gaps between different opinions, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Just like a conductor of an orchestra, they let others place the music by creating an arrangement where everything can come together.

Facilitator vs. teacher: A facilitator isn't a subject matter expert like a teacher. Instead of focusing on the content, they primarily focus on the process of the conversation. In other words, they help create a space where people can share their own experiences and skills, and tap into the collective wisdom of the group.

By understanding these differences, you can see why having a facilitator can be incredibly beneficial for a group. In comparison to the other roles, the facilitator is the only one that can truly tap into the collective expertise of the group.

Facilitators Toolbox

Successful facilitation relies on the strategic use of various tools to engage participants, encourage collaboration, and achieve desired outcomes. There are three primary tools facilitators use in their arsenal: activities, techniques, and materials.

Activities are carefully designed exercises that facilitators employ to energize participants, foster teamwork, and stimulate creative thinking. These exercises can range from icebreakers, which help build rapport among group members to decision-making exercises like the Impact & Effort Matrix. Activities can be chained behind each other to create a whole agenda for more complex workshops.

Techniques are the methods facilitators use to guide and manage group dynamics, promote effective communication, and ensure that meetings remain productive and focused. These techniques may include paraphrasing to clarify participants' statements, using the "parking lot" method to table off-topic discussions, or employing dot voting to prioritize ideas. Facilitators must be skilled in recognizing when to apply specific techniques to address challenges. This requires being present and constantly probing and observing the group dynamics.

Materials, both physical and digital, are essential components that support a facilitator's work that help to make ideas and insights tangible. In offline settings, facilitators often use sticky notes, sharpies, flip charts, whiteboards, or empty wall spaces to capture and organize participants' thoughts. In online environments, facilitators turn to digital tools like Miro or Mural which offer virtual whiteboards with interactive features that simulate in-person experiences. Regardless of the format, materials enable participants to externalize their ideas, make them easier to evaluate, and maintain a record of their discussions and decisions.

As you become an experienced facilitator, you'll expand your toolbox. You'll learn how to creatively combine activities, techniques, and materials in such a way, that you can address more or less any challenge or situation.

Qualities of a good facilitator

Every facilitator has a different approach, but there are some shared qualities that help every facilitator to stand out

Active Listening: Demonstrates the ability to listen, understand, and respond to participants' concerns and ideas.

Adaptability: Adjust the facilitation approach to suit the needs of the group and accommodate unexpected changes.

Clear Communication: Articulates ideas and instructions effectively, ensuring that participants understand the objectives and process.

Empathy: Shows genuine care and understanding towards participants' emotions and experiences.

Assertiveness: Maintains control of the session without being overbearing, ensuring that discussions stay on track and objectives are met.

A facilitator in action

Let's take a look at an example, of how a Facilitator might work.

[.box-highlight] Scenario: Jane is an in-house facilitator at a large company, that creates sustainable camping equipment. Since she is known for being able to conduct great workshops, she is now tasked to lead a session for a marketing team to generate ideas for an upcoming product launch campaign. [.box-highlight]

Let's take a look at what Jane is doing before, during, and after the workshop:

Before the Workshop

Jane starts by interviewing some of the participants to clarify the objectives and desired outcomes of the session. She also talks with the team leader, to ensure that the scope and focus of the session are well-defined.

She then creates a detailed agenda, outlining the activities and discussion topics for the session. She also prepares a set of ground rules to promote a respectful and inclusive environment.

Ahead of the workshop, Jane sends out an invite to the workshop with a description that motivates and excites participants to attend.

During the workshop

At the beginning of the session, Jane welcomes the participants, introduces herself, and outlines the agenda. She also reviews the ground rules and sets expectations for the sessions.

To not fall into a "lecture mode", Jane keeps the introduction short and then immediately goes into facilitating a quick icebreaker activity, whereby participants need to combine random objects to create new business ideas. Some of the ideas are presented, creating some laughs, and relaxing the atmosphere but also putting participants in a creative mood.

At the core of the workshop, Jane uses silent brainstorming to gather ideas, then clusters them together with the group. Afterward, she uses the Impact / Effort matrix to identify which ideas have the most potential.

Throughout the session, Jane listens attentively to the participants, acknowledging their contributions and encouraging them to build on each other's ideas. She also ensures that all voices are heard and that the conversation remains on track.

While all that happens, Jane keeps an eye on the clock, ensuring that each activity and discussion segment stays within the allotted time frame.

After the workshop

At the end of the session, Jane facilitates a debrief, summarizing the key ideas generated and identifying any action items or next steps for the team.

Jane then creates a comprehensive report of the brainstorming session, including the ideas generated, participant feedback, and any agreed-upon action items.

Jane shares the report with the team members and their leader, offering to assist with any future facilitation needs or to provide support in implementing the ideas from the session.

Finally, Jane reflects on the session and gathers feedback from participants, using this information to improve her facilitation skills and plan for future sessions.