What is a Method?


A method is a structured approach to accomplishing a goal. (e.g brainstorm ideas)

A method in the context of meetings and workshops is fundamentally a prescribed set of procedures or techniques aimed at achieving specific objectives, such as generating ideas, solving problems, or making decisions. Imagine you're conducting a workshop to brainstorm new product ideas. Without a method, the session could easily go off-track or not produce meaningful outcomes. By utilizing structured methodologies like brainstorming sessions or design thinking, facilitators can steer the group's energy towards productive and creative outputs.

Incorporating methods into workshops and meetings plays a crucial role in managing group dynamics and ensuring that every participant's voice is heard. Structured approaches help in maintaining focus, managing time efficiently, and creating a space where ideas can be explored and evaluated systematically. This ensures that the end goals of the meeting are met effectively, making the best use of the time and resources available.

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What is an example of a meeting method?


An effective example of a meeting method is the Impact Effort Matrix, which helps teams prioritize tasks or projects based on their impact and the effort required to achieve them. This method is particularly useful in project planning sessions where resources are limited, and there's a need to focus on actions that provide the greatest benefits.

How do methods help in achieving meeting outcomes?


Methods structure the creative and problem-solving processes that are central to successful meetings and workshops. They provide a roadmap, guiding participants through the steps necessary to reach a decision, generate ideas, or solve a problem. Effective use of methods ensures that meetings are not just gatherings, but productive sessions that yield tangible outcomes.

How do you choose the right method?


Choosing the right method starts with a clear understanding of the desired outcome of a meeting or workshop. It's crucial to consider the participants, the topics to cover, and the end goals. For example, if idea generation is the goal, brainstorming might be ideal. Exploring various methods in our template library can also provide insights into the right approaches for different scenarios.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of following a method?


Following a method in meetings provides a predefined path towards achieving goals, which can enhance clarity and focus. The structure can, however, be perceived as restrictive, limiting spontaneity and potentially creative outcomes. Balancing the rigidity of methods with the need for flexibility is key to maximizing their benefits while minimizing drawbacks.

What are examples of commonly used methods in meetings?


Commonly used methods in meetings include Lean Coffee for open discussions, standup meetings for quick daily updates, and brainstorming for idea generation. Each method serves different purposes but is designed to make meetings more effective and goal-oriented.